
My internet playground, informational kingdom, personal domain. "From humble beginnings we built our empire" - it all begins somewhere...

Saturday 28 November 2009

Return From Switzerland

Well, yesterday I returned from the school trip to Geneva. Epically good time; the UN wasn't really my cup of tea, but was interesting nonetheless. Similarly, Red Cross Museum was kinda crappy, though that wasn't helped by the unintelligible tour guide...shame.

However the key reason for going as a Physicist, was the visit to CERN and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Seeing the magnet assembly facility, the magnet that crushed a hundred thousand scientists dreams last September, the magnets cooled down to 1.9K (That's -271.1 degrees Celsius) , and all the equipment they use down in the tunnels was awesome. On the same scale, the computer centre showed us Tim Berners-Lee's original system that created and hosted the first internet (invented so CERN's scientists could communicate across the world) and the servers where they host their petabytes (1PB = 1,000,000GB!) of information.

All in all, a most epic trip. Food was, by and large, excellent (Though I'll avoid the Mongolian-Yurt-Cheese-Fondue-With-The-Meat-Like-Growth-At-The-Bottom...) and I had a great time with all my friends. Awesome <3


Saturday 21 November 2009

On The Road Again

Been a few days, but I'm sticking to this still - not given up yet! ;)

Last Thursday was my school's inter-house music competition; a glorified Battle-of-the-Bands, with some classical pieces thrown in. It's all a lot of fun, and as my final year at the school, I thought I'd join in the last of seven opportunities. Some photos taken, will upload at some point.

Girlfriend is over right now; sleeping in my bed, tired thing. Will have to go wake her up soon, hope it works <3

Until next time,


Tuesday 17 November 2009

My Empire Of Dirt

Well, it began and went out with a bang. I took a camera with me to school today, to start the recording of everything I do, and...after finding out the review function didn't work during the first hour of the day, I gave up with it and left it in a pocket. However, as of tomorrow I will be taking a different camera, which I hope will be slightly less crap - here's 'til then.

May upload what I have already, as nobody'll see it anyway ;)


Monday 16 November 2009

And So It Begins...

I found a camera! It's a kinda shitty, unknown-brand one, and I believe it was from Tesco, but hey! I have a camera! Now I can take it around with me, capture any- and everything, and upload it here for myself and nobody else to view.

I also found my old camera; several years older, but still probably better than this one. Now all I need to do is find the charger for it, and I may be onto something - here's hoping.

Until then, then...


New Beginnings

I guess that's it, I gave in to the blogging craze. As everything I do, I'm sure that I'll stick at this for a few days, then let it vanish into the void of nothingness that is my internet history. As it is though, let's be hopeful and pretend something might actually come of this.

On the marginal chance it's found, I'd like to thank Danny Choo (forgive the one extra traffic this may generate) for spurring me to this; I've dreamt of Japan for years, and it's only recently that I've decided to leave it until after university (unless everything goes tits up and I'm forced to take a gap year, then I may start planning...) and seeing the wonderful photos and comments on his blog brought me to this.

So, here's to new beginnings, and the hope of something special.
